Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One week back in America

Faithful readers,

No, we haven't forgotten you, and yes, we really did return from Africa.

I have been putting off writing on this blog, not from lack of desire, but fear that I cannot really communicate well all that is in my heart. After a week home, we are still processing, pondering, and reflecting over the week we spent in Swaziland. Yesterday when Alli and I were talking, I said that every time someone asks me to share something about the time we spent there, God reveals another aspect of the trip to me that I had yet to put into words. I am sure there will be many posts to come, but for now, here are a few initial thoughts:

- Our time spent in Africa was all that we could have prayed it would be. We laughed, cried, experienced so much of the culture, and loved on lots of children. 

- The trip also contained surprises we hadn't expected. We had extremely limited internet and felt very removed from our families and the rest of the world. We were given great encouragement, when we planned to go to encourage others. We saw personal flaws we need to work on and God revealed attitudes He needs to change in us.

- We are compelled to make a lasting difference in the lives of the Swazi people and are praying that God will reveal His plan and guide our steps. We pray that we will be able to convey the great need to others, who will respond as they are led.

We are so grateful for the many of you who financially gave so this trip was a reality, for the encouraging words, and precious reminders that you were praying while we were gone (even if we couldn't see the Facebook posts!). We still are amazed every day that the Lord allowed us these experiences and look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Jennifer and Alli

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