Thursday, February 23, 2012

Swaziland Info Part 2

 The HIV crisis in Swaziland

In Swaziland, a small landlocked country in Southern Africa, one in four adults are living with HIV. Since the first cases of AIDS were reported in the country in 1986, the virus has spread at an alarming rate and now Swaziland has the highest HIV prevalence in the world.1 

Women have been particularly affected by the epidemic; among those aged 15-49 HIV prevalence is 31 percent among women, compared to 20 percent among men.2
AIDS has devastated the country. Orphans and vulnerable children account for an estimated 15 percent of the total population3 and in 2009 around 7,000 adults and children died from AIDS.4

The impact of Swaziland's epidemic has been so severe that life expectancy is just 48.7 years - one of the lowest in the world.5

To sum up:
~ Swaziland is a kingdom in Africa that is the size of New Jersey.
~ It has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS in the world.
~ Population is less than a million - 200,000 of these are orphans.
~ The problem is so big that experts say there could be NO ADULTS by the year 2030 unless something is done.
~ The country is so small that solution is possible. (taken from

THIS is why it is vital to act. This is the seriousness of the mission our friends are on - people are dying from a preventable illness, but their lifestyle for generations has included polygamy. So, HIV continues to be passed on throughout families, infecting from birth, and the far-reaching impacts of this disease are mind-boggling. Thousands of children have no adult family members living. Many will not see middle-age. It is impossible to change generations of tradition in a country which practices polygamy and culturally has no problem with that. What can be done though, is to demonstrate God's love so that there is hope, and a future, for these souls. Working with orphaned children is a way to at least reach the Swazis with Truth and can hopefully start a change that will spread throughout the land. Please pray for Swaziland.

Here is a great link to a film and organization that is encouraging others to partner with them to combat the plague of HIV in this beautiful country.

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.
Isaiah 1:17
Swaziland's location in South Africa

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swaziland Info Part 1

I'm going to do a few posts on the basics of what I have learned about the country we are going to visit. I'll include some simple facts and then more details about the Clyburn and McAdams' families daily work. You'll see that it could be an overwhelming situation if we had no hope that God is working.

Warning: Some of this info is not as happy as our previous posts. In fact, it can be discouraging and downright heartbreaking. And, God loves these people just as he does Americans! We can question why some suffer so greatly, or why we were not born into the same type poverty or circumstances. There are no answers for those questions except that in His sovereignty, He has placed us where we are for His purposes and to bring Him glory. I pray that we will use our lives to do that, and part of that journey is serving the people of Swaziland. Please read below and pray for them.

Poverty and HIV are the main threats to the Swazi people. This info was taken from Wikipedia:

Swaziland - "Some 75% of the population are employed in subsistence farming, and 60% of the population live on less than the equivalent of US$1.25 per day.[4] 

Swaziland's economic growth and societal integrity is highly endangered by its disastrous HIV epidemic, to an extent where the United Nations Development Program has written that if it continues unabated, the "longer term existence of Swaziland as a country will be seriously threatened."[5] 

Swaziland has the highest HIV infection rate in the world at 26.1% of adults,[6] and over 50% of adults in their 20s.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fiesta Recap

Whoa! What an exciting event the Africa Fiesta was. I'm still smiling from ear to ear, over the turnout, awesome food, encouragement we received, and surprise guests who showed up! It is so cool how God works out details and provided new friends who are gifted at catering and helped with food and organization. Other friends loaned crock pots, or helped set up and clean up. Youth assisted in serving and refilling. Another friend helped cook part of the soup. I am so thankful. After nearly 9 straight hours of standing today, I know we couldn't have done this without so many helpful folks who gave cheerfully of their time and talents. It is humbling and so rewarding to see people come together and enjoy serving on a project benefiting such a wonderful cause. 

We decorated with the colors of the Swazi flag, and had photos of children from the care points, as well as pictures of the McAdams and Clyburns on the tables, so our guests could see who we will be visiting and ministering with. I had made some small Africa plaques as decor, and sold those as well, which helped us even more financially.

Our conservative goal for this event was to have 80 guests for lunch. Then, my dream goal was 100. We don't have an exact count, but we had well over 100 people come! We served 110 burritos alone! At one point I looked up and saw all of our 90 chairs filled, with a line of folks still waiting to be served. What an incredible blessing!

Alli and I recorded a couple of short video clips to sum up the day.  Hope you enjoy them. Lastly, THANK YOU to everyone who came out and gave to help us get to Swaziland!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Prayer Requests

A precious friend asked us this week to share requests that she could pray for and that was so meaningful. We have a list already of things we would love to post here and I'm sure we will add other things later. However, we would love your intercession on our behalf. This list is mostly specific to our needs, while later we will give more needs related to the families we are serving with in Swaziland, and the needs of the people there.

So very humbled and grateful for your lifting us up, 
~ Alli and Jennifer

Please pray:
- for willing hearts to submit to whatever God has for this trip. We want it to be about Him, not us. We want to obey by serving and giving and loving on folks, and not meet some agenda of ours. We don't even want to have an agenda!

- for peace for our families and for their time to go smoothly without us. It is a big deal that our husbands and families are ok with us going, and we do not take that for granted. It is also going to be a stretch for us to be away from them for this length of time. They need strength and energy to handle all these kiddos without the mamas around, and relief from worry about our well-being. Our children have never been away from us for this long, so we desire for them to be calm and secure in their dads and grandparents' care of them.

- for travel, health, flights, details, to all be what they should. We are not even asking for them to all work out smoothly, if part of what we're to learn is through some disappointment or frustration, or whatever!

- for God to continue to provide the finances we need. So far, He is showing us He is faithful and is sending people to encourage us and give to us. It's so humbling.

- for us to be a light throughout the process - to share why two ordinary moms and wives can go to Africa and why it's so important. We really want this trip to change us and others. We want our experience to encourage others that a mission trip like this isn't unreasonable or impossible.

- for the information we gather, and the experiences we have while in Africa will motivate others here to commit to support a care point.

Finanical Support information:
You may send checks to our church address, with a note attached that it is to be given toward our trips. Just add the name whom you are donating for please.

The Church at Shelby Crossings
532 George Roy Pkwy 
Calera AL 35040

Monday, February 13, 2012

First Fundraiser Update and Upcoming Events

29 of these

stacks of boxes everywhere!
Strawberries for Swaziland:

I am so happy that I just have to share how great the first fundraising event went. I took orders for chocolate dipped strawberries for Valentine's Day and had a personal goal in mind for how many I would like to sell (20 dozen).

What is so great about all this is that God blew me away by sending more orders than I imagined. It's been a super busy, crazy few days of chocolate, berries, buying boxes, needing more chocolate, berries, and boxes. Then, more berries. And, more berries! What great problems to have!

Monday and Tuesday, James and kids have been delivering these goodies to friends all over, and I am so thankful for your support and encouragement! This money goes to help me purchase my plane ticket, which we estimate will cost around $2000. I'm thankful to be making a dent in that large sum.

Upcoming Events:
Alli and I are both looking forward to our African Fiesta, this coming Sunday after church. This will be a large, joint fundraiser. If you live anywhere near our area, you have to eat lunch, so why not come eat a home-cooked, delicious meal with friends, and support a great cause? Our menu is going to be awesome, and we have a wonderful couple of chefs who are donating their talent to make a great deal of the food. I really would love for you to experience it with us! You can find our event on Facebook and RSVP there ("African Fiesta").

We have been approached by several friends who would like to contribute by allowing us to share in the profit of their small businesses or to sell their handmade items. We will share details about those dates, items for sale, and locations soon - possibilities include a jewelry show, hand-knitted items, seasonal dessert items, and a painting party.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Please help us get there!

The Need
Many of you have kindly asked how you can help us get to Swaziland. We definitely appreciate your prayers for us as we prepare, and for the friends we will minister with, and the people we will minster to as well. Financially, we could also use support and would like to explain where the funds will go that we are given and earn.

Obviously, the cost for air travel is very high and we are looking at flights now, which average $2,000-2,200 each! We will need money in country as well, for shuttle from the Johannesburg airport to Manzini (4-5 hours away) where the McAdams and Clyburn families live, and then back to the airport, plus money for food while we are there. We desire to give back to the carepoints by giving toward purchase of school uniforms, or shoes, or possibly to put toward school tuition. There are many ways to use needed funds, and closer to time, we will confirm with the team there what the most urgent need is.

The Total Figure
We are estimating Alli and I each need $3,000 for this trip, and that is an overwhelming sum of money to our way of thinking, but not when we know that God has called us and is already providing. This blog post will inform you of upcoming fundraisers and opportunities if you would like to financially give toward our trip expenses. We realize everyone is not able to do so, and please know that we do not expect that. We prefer to not ask anyone for money, but I have been reminded more than once lately, that it is a blessing to give as well as receive. I know in my own life, many times it has been more of a blessing. So, we are sharing the needs, and trusting that those who are to give monetarily will do so, and those who cannot will feel no guilt! We know many folks send out letters requesting support for missions trips, which we will do as well, but also are glad we can earn some of this money by making something or giving something back to those who are helping us.

Current and Upcoming Fundraisers

Currently, I am selling chocolate dipped strawberries by the dozen, and also handmade wreaths for Valentine's Day treats. These are both listed on my Facebook page with photos, if you are interested. I'll be delivering locally on Monday, the day before Valentine's. I have received numerous orders these past few days and am so excited to be able to make something for friends and see the first funds coming in already! Berries are $20 per dozen, unless you also order cupcakes from my friend (also shown on FB), and then you'll save a bit by getting a dozen cupcakes and strawberries for $36 total, instead of the regular $40.  Please order by this Friday, the 9th, for Monday delivery.

Then on February 19, Alli and I will be hosting an African Fiesta at our church after the worship service that day. We will get started right at noon, and continue serving until 2:00. This is our big fundraiser, so we'd love a great turnout. No matter which church you attend, if you eat out on Sunday, wouldn't it be great to eat homecooked food with friends and support a great cause? Yes, we know fiestas are not originally African, but as a tribute to sweet Amy who enjoys and misses tacos, and due to its mass appeal, we decided this was the perfect cuisine to offer. We will have taco salad and nacho bars with lots of toppings, as well as white chicken chili and taco soup. There will be festive music and it'll be a great time to fellowship with wonderful food. Tickets go on sale this Sunday at our church, or you can request them from Alli or myself anytime.
Details: noon - 2:00 on Sunday, 2/19
$6 per adult and $3 for children over 4
The Church at Shelby Crossings, 532 George Roy Parkway, Calera AL.

Other fundraisers to come: We will have a Premiere jewelry party in March, and the friend who has offered to do this for us is giving us a great deal of profit and incentive for orders. Also, I will be posting crafts, African themed art, and some painted pieces for sale, and Alli will be offering a limited number of photography sessions in the spring, so stay tuned to take advantage of those. If you have any other ideas or questions, please let us know. We appreciate your prayers and know that without God's direction and leading others to help, this trip would be impossible.

Jennifer and Alli
cupcakes by Krissy

red garland wreath

strawberries for Swaziland $

close up of pink feathers
pink feathers w/conv. hearts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Passport Day 2/2/2012

Oh, what a day this was! There was much anticipation and a few delays on the way to get here, so we are very relieved this item is checked off our to-do list! 
This was a milestone day for Alli and me, as we applied for our passports at our local post office. We attempted to do this on February 1st, but as you know, things don't always go as planned. James loaded up with our family, so that he could babysit our kids and Alli's in our respective vans, while we were inside the post office. Unfortunately, Alli was stopped by a train, which made her pretty late arriving to meet us, and once she did get there, we entered the post office together to find that passport applications are accepted by appointment only. Though the lady behind the counter said they were booked for the day, there appeared to be no one in line waiting, so we were a little frustrated, but had to just laugh it off and make appointments for the next day. 
There was no train delay this time, and Alli beat us to the post office. We entered and checked in, and waited on the employee to help us. I had some apprehension that things might not go smoothly after the day before's frustrations, but my fears were alleviated as we met the nicest man, Danny B. who assisted us. 
**Sidenote: Remember, one of our goals on this journey, as I mentioned previously, is to share God with everyone we can along the way to Swaziland and once we return home. I am tickled at how God opens doors and we can simply tell our story, and folks listen and encourage us. Super cool.**
Back to the P.O. -- Danny was a cheerful, willing participant in our shenanigans, as we documented the entire process with photos and lots of laughs. I think we entertained the entire post office, which was SUPER busy. I went first, was photographed, and answered questions regarding my application, and turned over my birth certificate. Just so you know, do not smile big for your passport photo. Neutral expression, people. I was way too happy to begin with. Then I was tickled about trying not too smile. I finally pulled something off that was more neutral. There are photos for each of these steps, by the way. 

We kept a steady stream of conversation going throughout my interview, and Alli's too. Danny has worked there for a long time, and has never been photographed or had applicants photo themselves. Imagine that! We told him our reason for going to Swaziland (he also said it sounded like a made-up name) and Alli invited him to our church. Alli went next, looking adorable for photos, gushing over Danny's kind spirit, and of course, apologizing for not writing quickly enough, for not knowing her hair color, and for being too smiley. Typically silly Alli...

Danny said that passports were being processed quickly, and we should receive ours within a month. That was great news. We paid for the applications, thanked everyone around us, including Ms. Jackie, who brought up tacos for some reason (Amy Mc - Can you believe it?!) Then Mrs. Sue had a lovely hair clip which Alli admired, and we also got one last photo of Danny before exiting. We were super giddy, and the video below will sum it all up even better than my blogging. Enjoy!
note the neutral expression. he would NOT smile. cracked me UP!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Swazi video 2

So, Alli had this great idea to spread information about the Swazi culture by doing these videos occasionally. We will be choosing friends and random strangers to participate, to get the word out that this part of Africa is in great need. A little silliness can go a loooong way, right? Here's hoping that God can use even our goofiness for great good. Enjoy.

And, yes, I know the video starts off sideways. Not really sure what I was doing there. Sorry. Hang on, it'll get better.

Friday, February 3, 2012

What are ya'll gonna do there?

That's a common question, and a valid one for sure!

When Alli and I talked through how God had placed such strong desires in our hearts to somehow help those serving full-time in their work in Swaziland, it seemed clear to us what He is leading us to do. Once we shared that with Amy, she agreed and strongly encouraged us to come.

Our calling:
First, we have been clearly led to visit our friends who serve as missionaries in Manzini and to offer encouragement to them. They give so much of themselves away on a daily basis. We hope that we can pour back into them since they are constantly giving. Hopefully the days we are there will offer some refreshment and renewal for their spirits. Then, with the people of Swaziland - we will visit children and adults in several environments. We want to hear their stories, and learn more of their needs and hopes. Then when we return home and share those with our faith family, we will hopefully be able to convey how greatly we can impact a community if we commit together to support and give to them. This will be our first trip, but hopefully not our last. We want to build relationship with a community and help them long-term.

Our roles:
Allison is a gifted photographer. She captures such feeling in the faces she photographs. Her gentle, warm spirit endears her quickly to her subjects, and that enables her to really get physically close to them, and to emotionally connect with them. I have been honored to have her photograph my family many times over the years and treasure the expressions and memories she has caught. I can hardly wait to see how the people of Swaziland respond to her and how God will use her talent to share the faces of those we will fall in love with there.
As for me, well...I am the wordy girl. Obviously, I'm doing the majority of the blogging, and I enjoy doing so. I don't claim to be a gifted writer, but know that I am willing and that God knows my heart is to accurately convey His love for people on another continent; people who are lost, hurting, and in great physical and spiritual need. I am honored to have the opportunity to be part of such a journey with people I admire greatly.

Our goal:
We honestly want to share God on this trip. It is that simple. 

There are a few ways we will do that. Whether it is the process of getting our passports, to asking others to financially support us (which is diff-i-cult), to gathering items to take to Swaziland as gifts, and flying across the ocean -- all of this preparation offers us tons of opportunities to explain the situation in Swaziland to complete strangers. What a wonderful avenue to talk more about God's work!

Then, once we are there, we want to continue sharing, but this time to folks who already know Him. Our sweet missionary friends need encouragement so we will do as much of that as we can pack in a week. Beyond the families we already know, we will meet children who usually have no parents, and many women who are caring for multiple children and living in tiny one-room homes. We will share how we loved them and had yet to meet them, how God moved us out of our comfortable lives to come meet them face-to-face. We will learn their stories, capture their faces on camera, and come home to share them with you!