Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cupcakes for Africa!

Order  these to enjoy with your family during Easter and also benefit our trip to Africa! Krissy is a wonderful baker and decorator and these are the best treats ever!

Easter Cupcake Sale 
Choose from the following flavors at a special price or order any of our other flavors at regular price:

Mint Chocolate Chip
Red Velvet
White Chocolate Vanilla
Double Chocolate
Strawberry Cream
Pink Lemonade
 Assorted Dozen
$24.00 a dozen or 2 Dozen for $40.00

You may also choose from Elegant/Religious Decorations or Whimsical, Child Approved, Fun Decorations when ordering a dozen or more of the same flavor. Assorted Dozens will have a mixture of both.
A percent of these sales will go toward helping fund a very special mission trip to Africa.
Orders accepted from 3/19 thru 4/6 Email with questions or to place orders.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Prayer Needed in Swaziland

This was the first thing I read today and it's heartbreaking.

From Kriek Gerber, "Another heart breaking day for us in Swaziland. A little girl from Mangwaneni carepoint and her dad was hit by a car and passed away. The dad was walking the little girl and a sibling to the carepoint when they were hit by a speeding car. The sibling is still alive, but we don't know her condition at this stage. Heading down to the carepoint soon ... will keep you updated. Please keep this family, the ladies cooking at this carepoint, and our staff in your prayers today."

Mangwaneni carepoint is at the dump, very near the McAdams' home, where I'll be in just a few weeks. Here is a blog entry by a teacher of the child killed. It is beautiful in its perspective, though gut-wrenching to imagine the pain these children witness so often. You can read more here. 
This is Helen
Today when I arrived to the preschool there were two dead bodies on the road to the entrance. I wish I wouldn’t have looked but I saw the blood splattered all over the road. This was one of my students and her father. Although at first sight I was not aware.
Apparently her father walked his daughter Helen to school everyday, which is rare in Swaziland, normally the kids are on their own. I arrived at the pre school not knowing who it was, but when I saw Treasures face I knew it was bad news. We were informed incorrectly and thought it was Helens older sister who was dead. I was doing my best to stay strong. I went to gather the students who were still by the road looking at their dead friends body. When I walked back into the school area, there was a man telling the teachers that it was their student who was killed. This student had been in my class since February. Her and her father died from being hit by a car, but there is a 6month old baby in the currently in the hospital.
Today I heard the screams of the mother, as she saw her husband and daughter lying in the road. I have never and hope to never hear that much pain in someones voice. I held one of the teachers who was crying over Helen’s death. And as i walked away from some of the students to break down and cry myself, some still followed me. They hugged me and cried with me as I told them their classmate and friend was dead. 
I am doing my best to find comfort in the fact that she is with God. But as I am sitting here thinking about it, does God have a plan for these children who may not fully understand giving their lives to him. Is she saved. I wish I had more faith right now, and I wish I knew something comforting to say to those around me. But i guess that is probably how everyone feels in this situation. 
Keep this family in your prayers and especially the baby who is in the hospital. Pray for the teachers and students who had to witness the loss of their friend. And pray for the staff here working to help within this situation. 
This is Helen.
Today when I arrived to the preschool there were two dead bodies on the road to the entrance. I wish I wouldn’t have looked but I saw the blood splattered all over the road. This was one of my students and her father. Although at first sight I was not aware.
Apparently her father walked his daughter Helen to school everyday, which is rare in Swaziland, normally the kids are on their own. I arrived at the pre school not knowing who it was, but when I saw Treasure's face I knew it was bad news. We were informed incorrectly and thought it was Helen's older sister who was dead. I was doing my best to stay strong. I went to gather the students who were still by the road looking at their dead friends body. When I walked back into the school area, there was a man telling the teachers that it was their student who was killed. This student had been in my class since February. Her and her father died from being hit by a car, but there is a 6month old baby in the currently in the hospital.
Today I heard the screams of the mother, as she saw her husband and daughter lying in the road. I have never and hope to never hear that much pain in someones voice. I held one of the teachers who was crying over Helen’s death. And as I walked away from some of the students to break down and cry myself, some still followed me. They hugged me and cried with me as I told them their classmate and friend was dead. 
I am doing my best to find comfort in the fact that she is with God. But as I am sitting here thinking about it, does God have a plan for these children who may not fully understand giving their lives to him. Is she saved. I wish I had more faith right now, and I wish I knew something comforting to say to those around me. But i guess that is probably how everyone feels in this situation. 
Keep this family in your prayers and especially the baby who is in the hospital. Pray for the teachers and students who had to witness the loss of their friend. And pray for the staff here working to help within this situation.

Please pray for the McAdams, Clyburns, and Gerber families as they minister to those who are hurting, and grieve these losses themselves.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

African Art Fundraiser

Many of you commented on the small art items I had on display and for sale at the fiesta lunch fundraiser and I have completed more. I have finally finished several dozen additional plaques, as well as necklaces too.

These items are for sale to help raise funds for our trip, but also great reminders to pray for orphans everywhere, and to lift up Swaziland specifically when you pray.

About the art:
I wanted to create simple, colorful items that represented the culture of Africa, and were also bold statements to remind me of the many people in that country who need to hear of Jesus, and to have that hope of life in Him.

There are plaques with Scripture, as well as maps of Africa with Scripture or "Pray for Swaziland." The backgrounds are blue, red, yellow or green. I've also done simple necklaces with Africa on them and in two different styles. One has "Pray for Swaziland" and a simple outline of Africa, and the other is splatter painted with "Swaziland" painted on the left border. The necklace backgrounds are green, red, or yellow.
The necklaces and plaques are wooden, and the cord for the necklaces is waxed twine. More photos will be on Facebook, and if you would like a specific color or verse, just let me know. You can clikc on these photos to enlarge them as well. These are mainly unique items, with little duplication, so if there is a verse/color you like, speak quickly. The first group I made were gone fast. If you have questions about anything, please ask.

Just to be honest, I have struggled with pricing, because I detest trying to put a value on something that I made. It feels uncomfortable and arrogant to say, "Please buy this thing I painted!" I trust you all know my heart is simply to cover my cost and all the profit will go toward the people I'm going to visit in less than two months!

So, having said all that, I am just going with necklaces for $3 and plaques for $5 or any reasonable donation. You can buy a plaque with an easel for an extra $1, since that is what they cost me.

If you are interested in purchasing any, I can deliver them if you live locally or ship for a reasonable amount.I accept paypal to or you may pay by check or cash. Thank you all so much!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Really Difficult Post

"But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish." Psalm 9:18

This is the post I've struggled with writing. It's so somber and filled with lots of ugly truth. Please still wade through it, and digest the magnitude of the hurts and issues needing the hope of Christ. That hope mentioned above is what I pray we can share with those who need to hear it in Swaziland - hope that doesn't ever die, when there is little reason to hope, in the world they live in daily.  Death is everywhere. It would be easy to be hopeless.

In Swaziland, children are orphaned all the time by the death of parents or abandoned because of multiple reasons. Sometimes, because of the extreme poverty, there is no money or food and they are abandoned because the parents cannot provide for them and hope to give them a chance somewhere else.

Sometimes the reason for being orphaned is polygamy. There are usually multiple wives in a family with one husband, and if one wife dies, the remaining women may not choose to raise her children. There may be resentment, lack of resources, jealousy and competition, or just sheer exhaustion of parenting many children that are contributing factors.

When children are abandoned in Swaziland, they live outdoors, sleeping where they can. There is no DHR or CPS. No foster parents or group homes, no shelters or orphanages for which these children may seek safety.

Trafficking is a popular topic these days, and a very disturbing one, as we realize the massive numbers of people being used, sold, and traded around the world. Unfortunately, this is an issue in Swaziland too. Women are used and treated as property. Young girls are regularly raped. Willingly, they even choose this themselves sometimes, in order to receive food or water for themselves or their family. Mothers even offer daughters as young as 9 or 10 to men, in exchange for use of a small portion of land for them to garden on, or to barter for a ride into town. When I heard this for the first time, and pictured my own almost-10 year old daughter treated as a prostitute, I seriously felt sickened. How can this go on, and be permissable by a family, a society? It keeps me up at night, and I'm not exaggerating.

Tradition is to blame in part for these many struggles, because the history of the Swazi people have allowed polygamy and misogyny for generations. HIV is now so commonplace because of the lack of education and understanding for years, and also, because it is so difficult to change an entire people's mentality.

The person in Swaziland who could provide a solution to the situation with many thousands of children who have no parents does not see the need for giving these children homes. The statement on this subject has been, "Swaziland has no orphans." Pride and ignorance both may be to blame here, because admitting the severity of the crisis would result in re-evaluating the entire lifestyle of the Swazi people. There is a normal pride in one's heritage, even if it is misled and has had disastrous consequences. Also, there are many children who are taken in by a grandmother-type figure, but there is no adoption formally allowed, and no true accountability to ensure that children all find a "go-go" who will look after them until they are independent.

These are reasons that this verse means so much to me. There IS hope. God loves these precious children, these hurting women, these go-gos who sacrifice greatly, and the men who strive to live honorable lives, as well as those who take advantage of others. They are being reached slowly but surely with the Word that could change everything. Passing out birth control doesn't change the culture or solve the problems. It may stop more orphans from being born, but it is not the answer to the greater need, and not what we believe is the response of the Church.

This verse reminds me, we cannot forget the needy. We could have been born in Swaziland ourselves. I could have never had the privileged life I lead, and have the opportunity to hear the truth of the Bible as a young girl. Therefore, we are grateful we can share what we do know with those who haven't had the same blessings. We can love and visit those hurting, and be a light in a dark, dark place.

Preaching isn't the first answer. They need to see their worth, and their value, in God's eyes, through our actions. We are convinced that all the awesome Bible teaching in the world, and education on the results of polygamy and HIV on a people group, are not the keys to changing anything in Swaziland. That's why we passionately believe that what the Clyburns and McAdams, AIM and Children's Hope Chest are doing is so very important. They are building relationships with children and adults, meeting their physical needs, and caring for them as lovingly as if they were their own family. That action - not just talk - is softening hearts, and true compassion and godly love is what leads to opening hearts to the Gospel. Please pray for our friends and for us as we seek to be another instrument that God can use to encourage and bring hope to Swaziland.

"But the needy will not always be forgotten, nor the hope of the afflicted ever perish." Psalm 9:18

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our first auction fundraiser and more sweet treats to benefit Swaziland!

There are more items to come, but we have our first donated item for fundraising for our trip! My sweet friend Krissy is donating a never worn, beautiful, pink Easter dress, size 8. If you are interested in this dress, comment with your bid below. The starting bid is $10. We will take bids through Wednesday, April 4th.

Also, Krissy is the "amazing cupcake lady" as she's known around this house. She owns Flower Cakes Bakery and did the combination cupcake/chocolate dipped strawberry orders with me for Valentine's Day.

She will be offering Easter-themed cupcakes for the holiday, in two decorated versions. You can choose from cute and whimsical, or more ornate with a lovely cross. Photos coming soon! They will be $24 for a dozen, or two dozen for $40. Here are the details of flavors available:

Mint Chocolate Chip
Red Velvet
White Chocolate Vanilla
Double Chocolate
Strawberry Cream
Pink Lemonade
Assorted Dozen
We receive commission off any orders coming through our recommendation, so let us know you heard of her here!

She does cupcake delivery as well, and the link to her site is here. Feel free to support this sweet, hard-working mama and dear friend. Thanks ya'll!

Monday, March 12, 2012

What Joy

This song was sung by a group of orphans (His Little Feet) at the Know More Orphans Conference James and I attended Saturday. It was so beautiful, I could not help but weep.

I've been referring to Saturday as "CryFest 2012" - I wept a lot that day. God is moving and doing so much in our lives, and leading us to have such a heart for orphans. We don't know what all that means yet.

Anyway, seeing actual orphaned children sing with all their hearts, with smiles on their faces, these lyrics, "what peace, what peace for those whose confidence is Him alone..."
For people who have no real reason, beyond HIM, to have any peace or joy. I just can't describe the power of that moment. It was heart-wrenching for those who don't know Him, and so amazingly hopeful for those of us who do, but struggle with doubt or fear ever.

One of my favorite artists, who has been missing on the music scene for years, is Susan Ashton. Imagine my amazement when I searched YouTube for a video of this song, to add on the blog, and found her perform it, with photos of an eye doctor on medical missions trips, truly restoring sight to those going blind....

Whew, ya'll. God is so good.

What Joy
Artist: Generation Church
Album: All Things New

You made the heavens and the earth
The sea and all that is in it
Your promises remain
You give justice to the weak
You care for the widow and orphan
Forevermore You reign

What joy, what joy for those whose hope is in the name of the Lord
What peace, what peace for those whose comfort is
Is Him alone
What joy, what joy for those whose hope is in the name of the Lord
What peace, what peace for those whose comfort is
Is Him alone

You made the heavens and the earth
The sea and all that is in it
Your promises remain
You give justice to the weak
You care for the widow and orphan
Forevermore You reign

What joy, what joy for those whose hope is in the name of the Lord
What peace, what peace for those whose comfort is
Is Him alone
What joy, what joy for those whose hope is in the name of the Lord
What peace, what peace for those whose comfort is
Is Him alone

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

We sing, we sing, we sing
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, forever we will sing
Hallelujah, praises to the King
Hallelujah, forever we will sing
Hallelujah, praises to the King

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Do you sew or know someone who does?

My sweet college friend Pam has worked on a great idea to make simple dresses for the girls we will see in Swaziland. Please consider if you can help, and share this with anyone you know who may be interested!

Sundresses For Swaziland

Can you imagine having one dress and it’s not even new? Now can you imagine sharing that dress with others so you can wear something different? I can’t but for the girls of Swaziland, Africa this is their reality. 

I would like to change this, with a personal touch, by starting a Homemade Dress Drive.
I am inviting all seamstresses, beginner or advanced, to make one or more simple sundresses (my goal is 30) which will be hand delivered this May by Jennifer and Alli who are headed there to share the love of Christ. This project is being aided by an online pattern company “oliver + s”, who has kindly agreed to let us use their free sundress pattern, which you can download

Please email me should you have any questions, and thanks in advance to all who take this on.

Join in on sharing the love of Christ in a practical way!
Pamela Loudon